Where we stand out

Web3-based Teaching and Learning

Web3-based Teaching and Learning

In the Web3 era, the processes of learning and teaching have evolved to be truly on-demand, facilitated by the application of NFTs and smart contracts.

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Micro Credentials/Short Courses

Micro Credentials/Short Courses

The level of effort you put in determines your achievements, which, in the context of micro-credentials, translates to the extent of your certification and ultimately influences the rewards you earn.

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Adaptive Micro Learning

Adaptive Micro Learning

The mind-blowing Adaptive Micro Learning has given us rise to fame in the area of Advanced Learning Technolgoies.

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AI-supported Collaborative Work and Learning

AI-supported Collaborative Work and Learning

Organize effective and efficient collaboration across geographical spaces.

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AI-driven Panoramic Teaching and Learning

AI-driven Panoramic Teaching and Learning

Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning fully transform the way how teaching and learning are carried out over an all-in-one personalized learrning environment. Ranging from learning resource organization and delivery, error identication and correction, review and revision, personal tutoring, teaching evaluation, learning path optimization, assessment.

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AI/CI for Better Life

AI/CI for Better Life

In addition to intelligent education, we also hold reputation on AI/CI applications for better life.

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