Business Model

Customeres can benefit from our service include but are not limited to:

all pervasive learners for open learning

open educational resource providers and higher education insitutes

Govermental and functional department

K-12 schools

Profesional and vocational schools

Enterprises and non-for-profit organizations

Our service deliver from end-to-end, we help our business customers make profits from:

Online paid education

offline franchising, teacher training and leanring resource customization

Blended learning environment construction

and if you run your own platform, we can work behind you by providing

3rd-party learning resource development, customization and segmentation

3rd-party educational data harvesting and preprocessing

Educational data mining and learning analytics

Learning resource modelling and learner profiling

Intelligent algorithm for learning resource annotation 

AI/CI-supported recommendation and adaption

Historical learning resources renovation and recombination 

and more...